
Nursery Outdoors


We recognise the positive impact outdoors has on learning and mental health and ensure that we use our outdoor spaces as much as we possibly can. We love our outdoor spaces and are very fortunate to have gardens that allow children to observe the changes to their environment that come with different weather and with each season. We enjoy using the shade of the trees to stay cool during the summer and watering the flowers, keeping our garden growing beautifully. We explore the fallen leaves in the autumn, looking at the vibrant colours and feeling the crispy textures. We wrap up warm in the winter and brave the elements as we build snowmen and collect leaves and twigs for campfires for us to roast our marshmallows on. When spring comes, we look for signs of new life and plant our own seeds. And of course, no matter what the season, there is always rain…so we put on our wellies and splash away in the muddy puddles. 

In our Toddler Room, children have free flow access to the outdoor space which is well resourced to keep children engaged and enhance their learning. We use our community and well-being gardens for a range of activities from graduation ceremonies, parent celebrations, yoga sessions and our forest school sessions as well as a space for children to be free to explore the natural environment.

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Funded By Uk Gov 01
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Certified Carbon Literate
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Jo Malone
Power To Change
Steve Morgan
Fec 22